So why AdWords then? AdWords works by making your business available to people who are already searching for it.
This means you’re immediately attracting customers who are most interested in your product, and as a result most likely to buy.
You get them just as they’re looking for their solution—and it could be only you that can give it to them.
Google, being Google, opens up connections to pretty much everyone on the Internet. The Display Network, which is all of the websites your ad can be displayed, has a staggering global reach. That’s more than 2 million websites, including YouTube, AOL, blogs, mobile websites and apps that your ad can be seen on.
In fact, only 10% of all internet users won’t be able to see your ad.
Smart Spending with AdWords Auction
Regardless of how much your ad shows up on a website, you only ever pay when someone actually clicks on your ad. What’s more, you can control how much you want to pay per click—you can set your budget to whatever you like, and there’s no minimum spend.
Every single potential ad has to go through an AdWords Auction. This is Google’s way of selecting the best ad to display on a site, and where. Your ad is evaluated according to its quality and relevancy—not just how much you pay for it.
So, your ad could end up being a lot higher up on a search page than your competitor’s, and at half the price your competitor could be paying.
Complete Control
Your ability to customise your ad is limitless—as well as controlling your budget (jump to the ‘Billing‘ section), you can choose the websites you want to advertise on, at what times and where. So, let’s say you only want your ad to show up on weekday evenings to people living only in London—with AdWords, you can. This makes for very detailed and personalised advertising capabilities, specific to you and your business.
Real-time Results
When it comes to analysing your results, Google reveals it all. Everything is laid out simply—you can see a range of metrics that tell you your exact ROI (Return On Investment) and important figures; all precise and all easy to locate.